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A function to only compare certain stores and "turn-off" others within the setting options for users who create an account. I'm imagining using a toggle type button. Where I'm from, some store like Morrisons and Ocado aren't available. If the deal isn't available with any of the stores I've "turn-on", then the deal won't show on the homepage or in the search.
changed description "A function to only compare certain stores and "turn-off" others
withingwithin the settingoption,options for users who create an account. I'm imagining using a toggle type button.I'mfromNorthernIreland,Where I'm from, some store like Morrisons and Ocado aren't available. If the deal isn't availableoverhere.Ifthedealisn'tavailablewith any of the stores I've "turn-on", then the deal won't show on the homepage or in the search. "There used to be check boxe after search under Stores button but this seems to have gone in app and off web. It was odd place to have what should have been in options next to the stores to notify dialog. Maybe combine into list with pairs of check boxes? Meanwhile I still see Wickes in search results despite store closing a month ago and now no way of removing Wickes appearing. Whoops.