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Had an issue for months where I'd save an item to my list then it would go out of stock and be removed from my list. It would then come back in stock and I'd have to manually re-add it. Means I'be had to keep a seperate list to compare to mytrolley all the time. Be great if instead of auto removing products it says unavailable or out of stock.
changed description "Had an issue for months
wheteidwhere I'd save an item to my list then it would go out of stock and be removed from my list.itwouldthenIt would then come back in stock andidI'd have to manually re-add it. MeansIveI'be had to keep asepeatatelisttoseperate list to compare to mytrolley all the time.bBeBe great ifinstradofinstead of auto removing products it says unavailable or out of stock. "