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As you can see, it does not diplay the Morrison deal on this wine at the outset (as per 2nd image), yet when you select Morrisons (1st image) you can see the 25% off 6 bottles deal which is therefore the cheapest overall at £32.62 (this should be displayed when you see all he stores with a star next to it or simlar can hover on and see the 6 bottle deal (or any multi buy deals on anything for that matter)
changed description "As you can see, it does not diplay the Morrison deal on this wine at the outset (as per 2nd image), yet when you select Morrisons
(2nd(1st image) you can see the 25% off 6 bottles deal which is therefore the cheapest overall at £32.62 (this should be displayed when you see all he stores with a star next to it or simlar can hover on and see the 6 bottle deal (or any multi buy deals on anything for that matter) "