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the price per 100g is wrong when a product has quantity ( eg. x2). It seems it is because is doing 227g *2 it's adding more than it really is. it's 0.66 instead of the reported 0.33. example:
Correct, eg Sainsbury’s smoked salmon slices (4 slices), is £5 per 100g YET the £/100g is £1.25 !!! The site needs to check calculations !!! and/or update the algorithm ;-)
I don’t like the inclusion of qty next to price. as this seams to affect £/100g calculation !!!
If developers can review this issue ?
I agree I found the Aldi 2x hot smoked salmon at 3.99 for 185g was given a per kg price of half what it actually is. A quick check on Aldi site reveals its over 20 pounds a kg and not the 10 pounds per kg given on trolley.
Yep, clearly wrong price per 100g when there is a pack quantity shown. Doesn’t mean you are getting two packs, means there are two in the pack, and price is wrong. Can’t understand why this hasn’t been fixed, should be top of the list.